
Jan 25

Operation Settler Spirit

A flight of three helicopters (Loach, Cobra, Guns-a-G-GO) under the control of a Forward Air Controller (Bird Dog) take on multiple hostile ground targets with varying success. Upon return to base, alternative ground transport is organsied to take a convoy of supplies to an IDAP camp in the village of Phouvong, which then needed defending from hostile attacks.

Operation Another Inconvenience

Insert into padd fields to the north of the hostile village of Pia Hom, clear the immediate area then proceed NW towards a large enemy tunnel complex. Clear it, then head home.

Operation Graphic Rabbit

Search for the radio transmitters in the marked areas, then use them to triangulate the location of the command centre.

KIA Pvt Dumptruck
WIA 1Lt Greensquare
1Lt Greensquare awarded Purple Heart
Operation Content Carrot

Find and destroy the five missiles of an SA-2 GUIDELINE SAM site, its FAN SONG guidance radar and the associated supply dump.

WIA SA Wrench
SA Wrench awarded Purple Heart
Operation Compassionate Burrito

Combat Patrol west of The Bra, clearing Ban Onglouang (PH Barbie Girl) then fortifying it up to withstand attacks overnight. Following day, push down the road to Antoum top clear some bastards out of fortified rocks.

Operation Wiping Litmus

Patrol around the POW camp, then a second patrol in the swamp.

Operation Toreador Lady

Patrol around the roads by Ban Phiadouang. Land mines, rickshaws, and swarms of Chelt.

PFC Chaos Noted on File

Dec 24

Operation Typhoon Hand

Patrol with air support to take out 2 radio towers, 2 command centres and a logistics base.

KIA Pvt Spraynpray
WIA SSgt Radical
WIA SA Bloodbath
Pvt Misstep awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SSgt Radical awarded Purple Heart
SA Bloodbath awarded Purple Heart
PFC Chaos awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
PFC Candid awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Capt Scatter Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Expediting Tempo

Defend a village of pro-US leaning civilians from sustained assault. Maintaining security of the sector and keeping hearts and minds pro-'FREEDOM'

WIA SA Wrench
SSgt Radical awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SM Bungalow awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
PFC Chaos awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
1Lt Havercruft awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Goat awarded Bronze Star Medal
SA Wrench awarded Purple Heart
LCpl Disco awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
1Lt Havercruft awarded Gallantry Cross with Silver Star
Unit awarded South Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation
LCpl Disco Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Misstep Mentioned in Despatches
1Lt Havercruft Noted on File

Nov 24

Operation Valuable Halt

Construction of Fort Wrench on river island chain to prevent Chelt movements over the river

PFC Chaos awarded Silver Star Medal
SA Wrench awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Operation Extra-large Adoption

Clear the road ready for the convoy to push through.

PFC Chaos awarded Air Medal
SA Wrench Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Goat Noted on File
SA Wrench Noted on File
Operation Freak Havoc

Support troops in contact, then hold the village from infiltrators.

PFC Goat awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SSgt Radical awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
SA Wrench awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Spraynpray awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Firsttry Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Misstep Noted on File
Pvt Misstep Noted on File
Operation Sousaphone Servitude

Patrol, sweep and clear a set of villages.

SA Clapman awarded Bronze Star Medal
SA Wrench awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Spraynpray awarded Bronze Star Medal
Operation Bore Pusser

With the assistance of air and light artillery (mortars) support, Endgame Red is assigned to sweep and clear the town just north of the airfield, which had been occupied by a motorised PAVN company.

Oct 24

Operation Realm Light

Recon patrol west of base to locate and destroy 3x radio stations.

LCpl Slump awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
SSgt Radical Mentioned in Despatches
LCpl Zaytsev Mentioned in Despatches
SA Clapman Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Chaos Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Misstep Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Spraynpray Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Buyer Net

Logistics runs.

LCpl Slump awarded Bronze Star Medal
SA Clapman awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Operation Death Sphinx

Find the secret entrance to the enemy base through the cave on the riverfront, work your way up, find the intel and destroy the base.

LCpl Slump awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Potshot awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Misstep awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
LCpl Disco Mentioned in Despatches
SM Bungalow Mentioned in Despatches
SA Clapman Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Avalanche Noted on File
Operation Lone Yoga

Blow up the remaining caches.

KIA SA Hitchcock
WIA SSgt Radical
WIA LCpl Disco
SSgt Radical awarded Purple Heart
LCpl Disco awarded Purple Heart
Cpl Morse awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
PFC Goat Mentioned in Despatches
SSgt Radical Noted on File

Sep 24

Operation Painted Eardrum

Assault and take a hill (OP Bandersnatch) to get intel about supply caches. And then go blow up the caches.

Cpl Morse awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
PFC Chaos awarded Purple Heart
Pvt Gucci awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Capt Scatter awarded Air Force Combat Action Medal
LCpl Slump Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Avalanche Mentioned in Despatches
LCpl Zaytsev Noted on File
Operation Bear Change

SAR Operation to recover the 5 crew members of a downed E2 Hawkeye aircraft.

Capt Scatter awarded Silver Star Medal
PFC Chaos awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
PFC Goat awarded Bronze Star Medal
Cpl Morse awarded Air Medal
PFC Jump Noted on File
Operation Attention Lye

Drive the truck up to the firebase, and then defend it while we try to get the parts for the radio to get help, as we're assaulted for many days on end by waves of Chelty bastards. And a mortar. And a flame tank. And rockets.

1Lt Havercruft awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Cpl Morse awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SA Hitchcock awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SSgt Radical awarded Bronze Star Medal
SM Bungalow awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Misstep awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Gucci awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Potshot awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Unit awarded Navy Unit Commendation
Operation Hydrant Delight

Drive the mortars around, set them up, perform the fire missions, and get out. What could go wrong?

KIA SSgt Sauceman
KIA SM Tylenol
SM Bungalow awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
PFC Tubular awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Cpl Morse Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Misstep Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Weak Fellow

Operation to locate and destroy enemy valley base in mountains NW of Ninh Tho

SSgt Sauceman awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Jump awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Avalanche awarded Bronze Star Medal
1Lt Havercruft awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
1Lt Havercruft Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Mouse Audit

Multiple training exercises to practise the assault on the criminal stronghold known as the "Collonial House", and the securing of the HVT known as "Significant Kevin" of the "Massive Jungle Massive."

Operation Knowing Bronco

Find Old Ben and retrieve his intelligence. No, not venerable Ben, elderly Ben, ancient Ben or Gentle Ben.

PFC Goat awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
PFC Chaos awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
SM Tylenol Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Tubular Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Deadmeat Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Pitch Trunks

Assault the old palace at Beaulieu. And dysentery. Don't forget the dysentery.

SM Bungalow Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Potshot Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Lawn Preserver

Take a convoy of highly explosive crates and a fully fuelled tanker to the forward base.

PFC Chaos awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Capt Scatter awarded Air Medal
SSgt Sauceman Mentioned in Despatches

Aug 24

Operation Weeping Ring

Garrison the fire base at Khe Gio through a series of North Chelt assaults over several days. Then, move up to the west to retake the village of Lang Mau and the river crossing beyond.

KIA Cpl Overkill
Capt Scatter awarded Bronze Star Medal
SM Tylenol awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Chaos awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Misstep awarded Bronze Star Medal
LCpl Slump awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Operation Astrologer Silence

Push the right flank of the plain of jars, taking the hills which overlook the route of advance. Following this, escort friendly armor and sweep West to secure a vital line of communication. Hold salient against enemy assault from the North, East, and South in order to enable follow on forces to secure additional positions.

PFC Jump awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
PFC Avalanche awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Misstep awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
1Lt Havercruft awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
1Lt Havercruft Mentioned in Despatches
Cpl Overkill Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Taking Seep

Endgame Red are tasked with helping convince a high ranking North Chelt to turncoat and pass information to the forces of freedom. To do this he needs to be reassured that should things go poorly he can be extracted safely. Proving the quality of the American Forces the squad is sent deep into Hanoi to steal items from hostile held buildings to present to him. Tonight: some Milk Tray, and a bunch of flowers!

Unit awarded CIA Intelligence Star
PFC Tubular awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Cpl Overkill awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
PFC Jump Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Misstep Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Substance Melon

In which we have a two day pass in Hue, and so does the chelt uprising. Stealth is optional.

We had a gunfight in a market. And a hospital. And a factory. And a suburb. And a consulate. It was a jolly wizard time and we were able to recover the crucial intel command had secreted in a variety of locations around the city like veritable ghosts, flirting from one shadow to another. It is doubtful that the Chelt even knew were were there.

LCpl Slump awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SM Tylenol awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
PFC Tubular awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
1Lt Havercruft awarded Gallantry Cross with Gold Star
Unit awarded South Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation
PFC Avalanche Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Chaos Mentioned in Despatches
1Lt Havercruft Noted on File
Operation Density Trustee

After conducting gunship fire support of San Bay Ban, elements of Endgame Red must find their way safely out of enemy territory from a gunship crash.

PFC Jump awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Capt Scatter awarded Air Force Combat Action Medal

Jul 24

Operation Torn Vote

Continuing the assault towards the plain of jars, Endgame Red are tasked with pushing East to take and hold Nga Tu while reinforcements are brought up, then press the attack onwards when support arrives.

Pvt Misstep awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Pvt Chonk awarded Bronze Star Medal
LCpl Slump Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Gravy Den

The Battle for Hill 119, pre-empting the assault on the Plain of Jars.

Pvt Misstep awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
PFC Tubular awarded Bronze Star Medal
LCpl Disco awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Unit awarded Meritorious Unit Commendation
PFC Chaos Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Danger Knees

Act as spearpoint for the marines advance from Bai Bien Dep into the mainland of CheltNam towards Kro Sang, and clear the road to enable the tanks to move Onward!

Capt Scatter awarded Air Force Achievement Medal
LCpl Disco Noted on File
Operation Old Dingo

SAR mission. 3x aircrew and 1x press VIP to rescue. 2x aircrew and 1x press VIP survive. Hoorah Marines!

SA Bungalow awarded Silver Star Medal
PFC Bacon awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Pvt Disco awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Tubular awarded Bronze Star Medal
Capt Scatter awarded Air Medal
2Lt Havercruft awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Sgt Sauceman awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
LCpl Overkill Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Informal Puzzle

Deliver BBQ to troops engaged in various engagements in the proximity of Maxwell Field

Pvt Jump awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
2Lt Havercruft awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Operation Lumbering Sorghum

The area north of San Bay Ban has been kept under observation, and large numbers of North Chelt forces have been seen moving around the area. Intel believes there are hostile bases there and so Endgame Red is set to find and destroy them.

WIA PFC Avalanche
PFC Slump awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
PFC Avalanche awarded Purple Heart
SA Tylenol Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Handmade Pretzel

To the west of Pleiku Airfield is Patrol Base Syncopated Weasel. Intel reports there are 6 rock bases in use by the Chelt in it's vicinity. Some one has to go clear them, and that someone is Endgame Red.

KIA Pvt Treadwell
WIA Sgt Sauceman
Cpl Morse awarded Bronze Star Medal
Sgt Sauceman awarded Purple Heart
PFC Slump awarded Purple Heart
LCpl Overkill awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation

Jun 24

Operation Pinching Temp

Rescue Banjo Charlie, Archprelate of the Gurning Buddists, from the religious site near Ket Thuc where PAVN troops have seized control in order to institute religious repression of the faith. He is of great value to the cause of freedom if successfully recovered to the US to form an element of the evergrowing North Cheltenam dissident movement.

Pvt Chaos awarded Bronze Star Medal
Sgt Sauceman awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
PFC Slump awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
SA Tylenol awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Disco awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Chaos awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Operation Twin Great-grandfather

Attack the Chelt base in the village of Rung Cung and rescue the astronauts from the tunnels under the village

KIA Capt Chaps
Pvt Tubular awarded Silver Star Medal
LCpl Overkill awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
PFC Bacon awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SA Tylenol awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Unit awarded Navy Unit Commendation
Capt Scatter Mentioned in Despatches
SA Bungalow Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Normal Turf

Rescue Space-o the space dog!

Capt Scatter awarded Silver Star Medal
2Lt Havercruft awarded Silver Star Medal
Sgt Sauceman awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Pvt Goat awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SA Bungalow awarded Bronze Star Medal
SA Tylenol awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Disco awarded Bronze Star Medal
Unit awarded Presidential Unit Citation
PFC Slump Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Tubular Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Required Sandwich

Rescue the astronauts, find the microfilm, and then save Space-o the Wonder Dog.

WIA Sgt Sauceman
Capt Chaps awarded Navy Cross
SA Tylenol awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SM RDX awarded Bronze Star Medal
Sgt Sauceman awarded Purple Heart
Pvt Treadwell awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Operation Speeding Sickness

2 x SAR in the vicinity of OP Pyle. 1 x F-100 Super Soaker, pilot recovered. 1 x something with two seats (2 A-1 Skyraiders, you heathens - Scatter), both pilots (even Jeremy) recovered.

KIA SA Cutter
KIA Pvt Jauvert
WIA Pvt Tubular
WIA Pvt Treadwell
SA Bungalow awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Capt Scatter awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Tubular awarded Purple Heart
Pvt Treadwell awarded Purple Heart
SA Cutter awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Jauvert awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Tubular awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Goat Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Treadwell Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Bridgerton Rising

Bridge building. In the dark. In the rain. Under autocannon fire. Whilst surrounded by bastards. Using a few shovels and a wheelbarrow.

WIA 2Lt Havercruft
Capt Chaps awarded Bronze Star Medal
SA Cutter awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Treadwell awarded Bronze Star Medal
2Lt Havercruft awarded Purple Heart
2Lt Havercruft awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Tubular awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Treadwell awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
2Lt Havercruft awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
PFC Bacon Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Tubular Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Finding Dolly

Booked for a morale-raising USO performance, Dolly Parton arrived in the northern parts of South ChelteNam on an unfortunate weekend: that of the yearly national North Cheltenamese Dolly Parton Impersonation Contest - for the zider-drinking foe also loves Country and Western music. Landing unwittingly at the wrong village - on the North Cheltenamese side of the border - and beginning her performance to entirely the wrong audience, it was only a matter of time before the North Chelt realised they had in their grasp a hostage that would totally neuter America's will to continue the conflict.

This national icon could not be lost, and so Endgame Red were infiltrated into North ChelteNam disguised as another impersonator group, to search out the five contest locations and retrieve the Real Dolly Parton.

The mission was successful, although according to the new official history of the ChelteNam war, the conflict intensified once the North Chelt were able to allege that the USA attempted to use several groups of Dolly Parton impersonators to assassinate Ho Cheese Min.

Cpl Morse awarded Silver Star Medal
Pvt Jauvert awarded Silver Star Medal
Pvt Tubular awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Unit awarded Presidential Unit Citation
2Lt Havercruft awarded Gallantry Cross with Gold Star
Capt Chaps Mentioned in Despatches
2Lt Havercruft Mentioned in Despatches
Sgt Sauceman Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Jauvert Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Treadwell Mentioned in Despatches

May 24

Operation Estimating Media

Take a long route round to an obs point, spot the tanks, and get home. Keep the 16 year old alive.

WIA 2Lt Havercruft
WIA LCpl Overkill
WIA SA Cutter
Sgt Sauceman awarded Bronze Star Medal
2Lt Havercruft awarded Purple Heart
LCpl Overkill awarded Purple Heart
SA Cutter awarded Purple Heart
Pvt Tubular awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
SA Cutter Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Waiting Shoreline

Low level helicopter insertion to take an expansive hostile SAM site at Hill 220

KIA Pvt Rain
WIA Cpl Morse
WIA SA Bungalow
WIA Pvt Tubular
PFC Bacon awarded Silver Star Medal
LCpl Overkill awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Rain awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Treadwell awarded Bronze Star Medal
Cpl Morse awarded Purple Heart
SA Bungalow awarded Purple Heart
Pvt Tubular awarded Purple Heart
LCpl Overkill awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Unit awarded Meritorious Unit Commendation
Pvt Tubular Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Splitting Chopsticks

Endgame Red were dispatched on a standard helicopter airmobile assault with gunship cover to seek and destroy a Chelt Cong resupply and consolidation encampment believed to be in a jungle village in the vicinity of Nui Can Tho. Heavy bombs were deployed from C113s to prepare an LZ so as to ensure the element of surprise. Endgame Red successfully destroyed the encampment despite some stiff resistance, but a resupply aircraft was shot down during the operation. Endgame Red successfully recovered the pilot alive from the crash site, although the copilot and crew chief were killed during the crash landing. The unit fought their way to another LZ after their first extraction chopper was downed due to a combination of enemy fire and pilot error. The chopper pilot was also retrieved and both pilots were successfully recovered back to SBT Airbase.

KIA Morris
Operation Remembering Lasagna

Endgame Red provide heavy vehicle support to USMC troops defending a town and river crossing south of the Song Bin Tanh airbase. Under sustained assault and artillery bombardment, the local Chelt Cong having emptied their hidden arsenals of stolen heavy equipment in an attempt to deal a heavy blow to South Cheltnamese democracy in the region, the tank platoon and infantry were forced to pull back to reconsolidated, before assaulting back across the river after putting in airstrikes to retake the town. While losses were high, Chelt Cong insurgent activity in the region will be severely curtailed for some time to come.

KIA SM Howser
KIA Pvt Blunderbuss
WIA SA Cutter
LCpl Overkill awarded Bronze Star Medal
SA Cutter awarded Purple Heart
SM Howser awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
2Lt Havercruft awarded Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal
Cảnh sát viên Morris awarded Gallantry Cross with Palm Leaf
Sgt Sauceman Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Weak Transcript

River patrol to deliver mail & informational leaflets to island villages, with the usual attempts by the Chelt Cong to interrupt things.

KIA SA Benzo
2Lt Havercruft awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
SM RDX awarded US Navy Rifle Marksman

Apr 24

Operation Interior Veranda

Endgame Red search the towns and villages of the Son Bin Tanh region for a covert political operative known as 'the elusive Gary', working with a detailed description: a red headband, black pajamas, and aviator shades. Finally cornering their target in a strongly defended village, the HVT was captured and successfully extracted back to base.

Reports that a person was seen falling from a USMC helicopter earlier in the mission are being strongly denied by all parties on the operation.

WIA Morris
Cảnh sát viên Morris awarded Purple Heart
SM RDX awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Jauvert awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Operation Breaking Begonia

Deployed to a village deep in the jungle to provide defence against potential Chelt Cong saboteurs, Endgame Red found themselves mixed up in some sort of MACV-SOG operation in which vast numbers of insurgents were determined to overrun the small settlement and eliminate the special operations force there. Eventually, the SF group evacuated the village and Endgame Red were free to make their own way to an LZ to escape the encircling Cheltenamese forces.

2Lt Havercruft awarded Bronze Star Medal
Cảnh sát viên Morris Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Alienated Soda

After a Budweiser-filled night of drinking, the group is without transportation and kit in the jungle. Using their wits, and what they can pilfer from the enemy, they must make their way back to base.

Pvt Blunderbuss awarded Bronze Star Medal
Cảnh sát viên Morris Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Disco Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Leaping Chive

Mission 1: Take a convoy of M113s to defend an IDAP camp overnight

Mision 2: 3x helicopter seek and destroy missions south of the river in The Bra.

Cpl Morse awarded Bronze Star Medal
LCpl Overkill awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Jauvert awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
2Lt Havercruft awarded Gallantry Cross with Silver Star
Unit awarded South Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation
Operation Required Bullying

1) SAR in Dak Pek region. F111 down east of Torpex’s Crater. Survival pod failed to separate, one pilot body recovered killed on impact. Second plot recovere alive but killed by intense enemy fire en route to pickup.

2) SAR in Dak Pek region. A4 down SW of Claymore’s Crossing. Pilot recovered from parachute point alive. Evac helicopter disabled by fire at the LZ but successfully autorotated 1km N of LZ. Second evac helicopter returned to base with all hands.

Pvt Disco awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Goat awarded Bronze Star Medal
Capt Scatter awarded Air Medal
SM Howser awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Rain awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Operation Reclaim Hound

Patrol to the south of Dak Pek base, taking out any AA in the area to allow a heavy lift helo in, then mount a radio antenna on the hill near Tonk’s Doghouse and defend it from enemy attack.

WIA Pvt Blunderbuss
Sgt Sauceman awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SM RDX awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Pvt Disco awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Rain awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Blunderbuss awarded Purple Heart
Capt Scatter awarded Air Force Achievement Medal
Cpl Morse Mentioned in Despatches
LCpl Overkill Mentioned in Despatches
SA Benzo Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Swinging Sweetshop

Patrol the area over the river to the east, of Dak Pek base, identify and prosecute mortar, rocket and machine gun sites.

Sgt Sauceman awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Cpl Morse awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
LCpl Overkill awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Cảnh sát viên Morris awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
Pvt Rain Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Sensible Monkey

Escort a truck of supplies from Dak Pek base to Outpost Planck along the primary, but heavily ambush prone, road route.

2Lt Havercruft awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SM Howser awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
LCpl Overkill awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SM RDX awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Sgt Sauceman Mentioned in Despatches

Mar 24

Operation Medical Pigeon

1) Duty as Embassy Marines in Saigon as the genuine articles were stuck TDY in Pleiku. The ambassador survived.

2) SAR north of Bru. The pilot was successfully recovered, despite the platoon getting surrounded by Chelt Cong forces.

SM RDX awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Pvt Hosepipe awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Pvt Disco awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
2Lt Havercruft awarded Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal
Operation Super Directive

Insert (hur hur hur) in the North of North ChelteNam, to extract Mystic Badger from one of three enemy POW camps.

KIA Pvt Fung
SA Benzo awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Pvt Disco awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Blunderbuss awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Operation Chartreuse Flute

A sweep-and-clear patrol looking for Chelt radio equipment in the box from 0807 to 1010, remaining west of the river. Two radio units found in Chelt positions, and destroyed.

KIA Pvt Redeye
2Lt Havercruft awarded Bronze Star Medal
SM Howser awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Redeye awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Operation Obliterating Redeye

Recon Operation to investigate enemy positions at That.

Deployment to the AO by PT boat.

Foot recon of AO.

Extract by PT boat & debrief.

WIA Pvt Redeye
Pvt Redeye awarded Purple Heart
SA Benzo awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
2Lt Havercruft awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
Pvt Goat Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Tofu Wafer

Insert by air at grid 031055, where three LZs had been cleared by COMMANDO VAULT drops, defend the area against Chelt assaults and construct a firebase. It'll be fine.

WIA MSgt Kent
Sgt Sauceman awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
SM RDX awarded Bronze Star Medal
MSgt Kent awarded Purple Heart
Pvt Goat awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Capt Scatter awarded Air Force Achievement Medal
2Lt Havercruft awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
Pvt Blunderbuss Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Trivial Bandolier

Endgame Red was deployed to assault the town of Kok, which had been strengthened and reinforced such that it was once again that Cheltenamese Kok was a danger to all passers by, spreading a miasma of zider into the surrounding regions.

The town itself was a feint to draw in attackers, but despite the pre-placed defences, Endgame Red managed to take all of Kok despite discomfort and some bloody situations. Realising that in truth the size of Kok was just a myth, the squad redeployed north to find the zider store.

Despite some violations / desecrations of several religious sites, the storage dump was found and destroyed, although this provoked a forest fire which then obliterated the surrounding area including a big fiery Kok.

Realising that they had found intel for the location of the district central distribution point, this was also assaulted and destroyed.

KIA Sgt Tweaker
PFC Pyro awarded Silver Star Medal
Pvt Blunderbuss awarded Bronze Star Medal
2Lt Havercruft awarded Gallantry Cross with Silver Star
Operation Upright Chaplain

Part 1: Deployed to recover the crew of a crashed A-6 Intruder around 120 094 - that had fallen prey to a flak trap on the hilltop at 110 100. Both pilots recovered, two aircraft lost to flak.

Part 2: Deployed to recover the single pilot of an F-100D that had crashed near Kok at 086 029. Pilot recovered but unlucky hits knocked out three Jolly Green rescue helicopters, forcing Endgame Red to extract by armoured convoy via Lag Bou.

MSgt Kent awarded Bronze Star Medal
2Lt Havercruft awarded Navy Combat Action Ribbon
Cpl Morse Mentioned in Despatches
Cảnh sát viên Morris Mentioned in Despatches
SM Howser Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Oblong Cartoon

Sar Mission 1: rescue a pilot from a crash site NW of Lang Voi while clearing a hostile village and avoiding massive Chelt flak sites.

Sar Mission 2: 2 seater down in the village of Hinlap but a large Chelt force is pushing from the north. One catch, 100+ enemy are hot on your heels and the air is getting spicy. Go get our boys!

Cpl Morse awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Cảnh sát viên Morris awarded Gallantry Cross with Gold Star
PFC Pyro Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Lymphocyte Airspace

Butters is a cunt.

KIA Capt Pointer
KIA PFC Target
KIA PFC Torrent
KIA Pvt Tribeca
WIA SrA Wilbur
PFC Torrent awarded Congressional Medal of Honor
Capt Pointer awarded Navy Cross
SrA Wilbur awarded Purple Heart
PFC Target awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Tribeca awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Operation Messy Relationship

Patrol from Camp Sarge to Radio Relay Vandergraft.

Ha Si Nhat Morris awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
Sgt Tweaker Mentioned in Despatches
SA Howser Mentioned in Despatches

Feb 24

Operation Solid Ambassador

Search to the East of the A Shau Valley to try seek and destroy a fortified Chelt Camp.

Sgt Tweaker awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Cpl Morse awarded Bronze Star Medal
SrA Wilbur awarded Air Force Combat Action Medal
Operation Gray Scaffold

Stage One:

Go by boat to the island of Tre Lon, find the enemy political officer who is hiding in a bunker, capture him, then bring him back to Pleiku docks.

Stage Two:

Use information gathered from the political officer to find and secure enemy supply dumps north east of Hue.

KIA PFC Bagpipe
WIA Sgt Tweaker
Sgt Tweaker awarded Purple Heart
SA RDX Citation Denied
Operation Ego Afterthought

Evaluated as the 14th (out of 18) most effective CSAR unit on the roster, and not curently enjoying the favour of either the USMC or USAF, Endgame Red was deployed by helicopter to Firebase A Luoi in the A Shau valley. Tasked to overwatch the main North-South MSR and protect passing traffic, they disrupted Chelt operations in the area through two nights and one day, allowing the safe passage of five US convoys for the loss of one vehicle.

Pvt Torrent awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Capt Scatter awarded Air Force Combat Action Medal
PO1 Patches Mentioned in Despatches
SrA Wilbur Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Ecology Ephemeris

OP1: Is Death Better than the Taunton Travelodge?

Endgame Red attempted to intercept a convoy of POWs being taken through CC controlled South Cheltenam across the border into North Cheltenam where they would then be unrecoverable until after the war. Unfortunately, anti-aircraft fire shot down both USMC helicopters despite air support from TACAIR, and in the ensuing running battle the convoy was intercepted but destroyed during the combat, killing the POWs. Endgame Red were successfully extracted by the US Army Air Corps who provided a recovery helicopter on short notice from a nearby FOB.

OP2: Don't let the Intel get Moist

During the return to home base, Endgame Red were diverted to support a 'special forces' operation on a thickly jungled island off the coast of South Cheltenam, recovering several suitcases of 'Intel' from CC hands on behalf of the less than charismatic special forces liaison officer. The use of Naval Gunfire support from the nearby destroyed USS Henderson led to operational success, but the island and its villages were left ablaze as Endgame Red returned to Maxwell Field for the mission debrief.

KIA A1C Snuffy
WIA SrA Wilbur
SA RDX awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
Pvt Target awarded Bronze Star Medal
SrA Wilbur awarded Purple Heart
Capt Scatter Citation Denied
Pvt Torrent Citation Denied
Operation Sneaky Guard

Scramble 1: Pilot in the air 1-2 km east of Ban Len. Landed east of MSS Leghorn and fled east while the squad rambled a little.

Scramble 2: F-111 crashed 3M W of Phao Noi, in the immediate vicinity of Thud Ridge. SEAD suppressed the SAM site, with Sandy flight continuing to rain down fire on it, but Sandy 2 was hit and crashed and has been captured by the Chelt. The pilots of the F-111 were recovered successfully although Jolly-2 was damaged enough to need to perform a forced landing and the squad left the AO on Jolly-1.

Operation Comparing Singlets

1. Defend the pilot hiding in the cave system at Cu Chi from Chelt attack.

2. Clear the tunnel complex found in Operation Euphoric Diabetes

3. Assault a fortified Chelt position on a hilltop West of San Bay Ban Airfield to clear out a mortar battery which was preventing AVRN forces from consolidating their landing zone.

Pvt Torrent awarded Silver Star Medal
Sgt Tweaker awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Target awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation

Jan 24

Operation Substantial Grapefruit

SAR Ops.

Scramble 1: a CAS skyraider has gone down north of the radar station at Ke Chau. Insert into Ke Chau to gain more information from ground forces there, then move to recover pilot.

Scramble 1a: a CAS skyraider has gone down in support of Scramble 1. Head back out after a rearm and rescue him.

Scramble 2: two pilots ahve gone down and are being sheltered by friendly forces in a cave complex to the west of Cu Chi. Be careful though, it's getting dark.

PFC Bagpipe awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
PO1 Patches awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
SA RDX awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
PFC Leroy Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Vanity Snob

SAR Ops.

Scramble 1: A4 pilot crashed in a mountain valley north of Hue, near medium mobile AAA battery on plateau, pilot ejected. Pilot recovered alive by Endgame Red but killed by Chelt Cong recoilless fire near escape LZ.

Scramble 2: Two ejected pilots linked up during E&E and took shelter in a shop in Attapeu before it was occupied by a CC Main Force with light armour and vehicle support. Both pilots recovered successfully, Covey-1 shot down but recovered from the site successfully.

MSgt Kent awarded Bronze Star Medal
Cpl Morse awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Pvt Avalanche awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
A1C Snuffy awarded Air Force Combat Action Medal
SSgt Grym Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Clean Blanket

SAR Ops.

Scramble 1: Two pilots ejected over the river bend north of Keng Lat. One pilot KIA, one recovered by Endgame Red and extracted.

Scramble 2: Single pilot shot down over San Bay Ban, chute landed on the coastline SW of the airfield. Pilot recovered by Endgame Red. Two Jolly Greens and Sandy-1 shot down, crew recovered by Endgame Red.

Capt Scatter awarded Air Medal
SSgt Grym awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
PFC Bagpipe Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Euphoric Diabetes

Enemy spotters suspected at three locations. Endgame Red sent in to carry out foot patrols to find them and give them the bad news.

LCpl Zaytsev awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
PFC Leroy awarded Purple Heart
SA Howser awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Cpl Morse Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Well Real

A plane has crashed NE of MSS Leghorn. The crew have been rescued but confidential materials onboard can not be allowed to fall into enemy hands. Endgame Red is dispatched the secure the crash site for long enough to let a team of engineers blow the wreck.

Pvt Torrent Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Beholder Virtue

Two further CSAR missions, one pilot down and taken to a small Chelt village, from where we had to rescue him, and one pilot down on what will forever be known as The Island Of Bastards and Mountains, where we had to try to get a Jolly Green pickup on an island with 3 square inches of flat land.

SA Howser awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
LCpl Zaytsev awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Capt Scatter awarded Air Force Achievement Medal
Operation Ardent Ripple

Endgame Red is assigned as the SANDY ground team to conduct Combat Search And Rescue for the Air Force in conjunction with Jolly Green Giants, Broncos and Skyraider "Spud" strike aircraft. Two CSAR missions completed; a pilot recovered from just north of Da Krong, and a dual-crew flight from the marshes of the Mekong Delta. All for only a relatively modest expenditure of US aircraft.

Capt Pointer awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Torrent awarded Bronze Star Medal
Capt Scatter Mentioned in Despatches

Jan 23

Operation Constant Timber

Southern patrol route through the AO, with several close calls with a lot of fiery doom and running around like morons trying to find any surviving supplies.

KIA Pvt Gator
WIA PFC Bagpipe
PFC Bagpipe awarded Purple Heart
Operation Questionable Idiot

Re-take the supply and repair depot, then move south to take out the.. OH SHIT IT'S THE COMMAND ROCK

Operation Western Entrepreneur

Take a vehicle to the smugglers' camp, and clear the command post on the way, then move out to the west to raid more supplies and intel. And then hit that command post AGAIN on the way back.

WIA Capt Pointer
WIA WO1 Kent
Capt Pointer awarded Purple Heart
WO1 Kent awarded Purple Heart

Dec 22

Operation Major Celebrity

Begin clearing and sweeping the area for not-Liberation of CheltNam. They have a FLAMETHROWER. Wait. Scratch that. KENT has a FLAMETHROWER.

WIA PFC Bagpipe
PFC Bagpipe awarded Purple Heart
Operation Ranking Winner

Delivery of presents to the good little boys and girls of Saigon.

Operation Patting Locket

Air assault on the village of Ban Soung, then air move to LZ CUSTER to hold it against ongoing Chelt assault - things got a little bit spicy.

(THE USMC would like to clarify that PATTING LOCKET is not a euphemism for any lesbian activity, Victorian or otherwise.)

KIA Pvt Novel
Operation Sweating Sauerkraut

Commence QRF support.

Operation Platinum Flair

Tap the island at Ha Long Bay. First get the tap map. By means of the tap map rap. Then tap the island and home for tea and medals. Oh yeah. I'd tap that.

Operation Congregation Volleyball

Recover operative code named 'JETHRO' from deep cover in the local north-Cheltnam HQ compound of the Cornwallian-influenced cult of Tyn Fail.

Operation Different Tumbler

Infiltrate the airfield at San Bay Ban and destroy the squadrons of aircraft there.

KIA Sgt Dropbear
KIA LCpl Bruce
Operation Esteemed Niece

Take out the training camp near Nodal Lho and the VIP at the camp.


Nov 22

Operation Perfect Brace

Infiltrate into Cambridgeshire to take down a listening post and enemy held village of Bien Lung, then evac via boat to Mong Song.

Operation Soothing Marsh

Infantry sweep and clear of pockets of resistance left behind after a failed Chelt attempt to force a river crossing.

KIA SM Torpex
Operation Voluminous Semicolon

Two armoured Chelt columns are trying to combine to push south and threated the peace-loving South Cheltnamese. Endgame Red, with Naval Support are sent in to secure a vital bridge crossing and prevent the two forces from linking up.

Operation Arrest Shoes

Recon and take the ruined castle near Bao Lieu.

Operation Introducing Representation

Endgame Red were tasked with the defence of a hillside village at the corner of a river, to slow and stop the advance of CheltCong and then regular Cheltenamese Army.

Oct 22

Operation Merit Rap

Endgame Red, on their way to some hard earned shore leave, were shot down over enemy territory. Still in our best ballgowns, we had to escape.

Operation Dense Enemy

Operation on behalf of Col Lynch, up to Yen Tum disguised as Sailor Moon, grab some crates, and take them up the river on boats.

Operation Quill Gate

Protect the village of... something. And then go kill the enemy base where they kept sending in QRFs from.

Operation Irresponsible Shanty

Take over the garrison at Radio Array Vandergrift and defend the base against any and all hostile forces in the vicinity.

Operation Unfolded Crime

Convoy a truck full of ammo, an M113 and a Sheridan from LZ Savage to Camp Sarge. Try not to be exploded.

Operation Glass Type

Escort the bullion. Only the Yorkshire army had nicked it so we had to nick it back from Da Krong. It hurt.

KIA LCpl Malone
KIA PFC Hammer
Operation Nautical Twins

Glub glub glub glub glub.


Sep 22

Operation Well-lit Driveway

Take out enemy base, get intel, find Burdock fields and destroy. With fire.

Operation Optimistic Exercise

Escort the bishop of Hue to safety.

Operation Hurdle Uncle

Small team operation to first sweep and clear the bombed out area of Saigon under cover of darkness, followed by patrol of the local docks and village, with a tunnel clearance.

Operation Revolving Tooth

Reports of heavy Chelt Cong contact from patrols investigating the remains of Binh Dai required a recon response from Endgame Red. Assaulting a major encampment heavily defended by emplaced weapons, Endgame Red then cleared a large bunker complex with multiple entrances/exits in the teeth of Chelt Cong reinforcements. Intel was recovered indicating that the weapons had been supplied by "Dodjay Enrique".

WIA PFC Hammer
PFC Hammer awarded Purple Heart
Operation Correlating Diagram

Sequence of small operations to embed at ATSB Mike-3

1) Escort a sampan of supplies to Kable Outpost at the centre of the island.

2) Land at LZ Fer De Lance, reconnoitre and clear the village of Binh Dai, Extract at LZ Boa

3) Land at LZ Cobra, Recon Bin Thoi Cultural Site and Rescue Captive Villagers from Criminal Forces of "Dodgi Irique", Extract at LZ Krait

Operation Bin Contest

Mission to try to rescue the POWs from the previous mission. Parachute in, then move in through the jungle to the POW camp.

1stSgt Rock awarded Bronze Star Medal
Cpl Morse awarded Bronze Star Medal
LCpl Bruce Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Magnificent Rutabaga

Seek and destroy a SAM site to the west of Dak Pek SF camp. Multiple launchers and a pair or radars to be found and denied to the enemy.

Capt Pointer awarded Meritorious Service Medal
Capt Pointer awarded Gallantry Cross with Palm Leaf
WO1 Kent Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Clearing Beaver

Setting out from Camp Striker, Endgame Red headed NW to the fortified village of Ban Dac Maruc to aid the local Chelt forces in recovering the crew of a downed helo, and clearance of the AA guns that took them down. Once recovered, Endgame Red was sent back out to fortify the village of Phouvong against rumoured Chelt vehicle attacks.

Operation Intentional Professional

Assault into an enemy held village to extract civilians with needed intel relating to the location of allied prisoners of war.

Pvt Hailmary awarded Bronze Star Medal

Aug 22

Operation Strange Repair

Continuing the mission to find and destroy the artillery park. Which we did. And then a lot of people got shot and dragged off by Chelt to places unknown...

KIA Sgt Knievel
GySgt Rock awarded Silver Star Medal
PO1 Patches awarded Silver Star Medal
PFC Hammer awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
LCpl Malone Mentioned in Despatches
SA Nine One One Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Hammer Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Hailmary Mentioned in Despatches
LCpl Malone Citation Denied
Operation Describing Omelette

Foot patrol through the AJL valley to identify and destroy Chelt camps, tunnel complexes and artillery. SAM site found and assaulted.

SA Nine One One awarded Bronze Star Medal
Sgt Dropbear Citation Denied
Operation Bad Outhouse

Endgame Red are tasked with rapid relief of garrison forces and defence of several AVRN bases overlooking the river basin against sustained regular and irregular forces. During multiple rolling engagements they utilised air, artillery and naval support to drive back forces many times their size.

Capt Scatter awarded Bronze Star Medal
Capt Scatter awarded Gallantry Cross with Gold Star
WO1 Kent awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
Unit awarded South Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation
WO1 Kent Mentioned in Despatches
Sgt Dropbear Mentioned in Despatches
Sgt Dropbear Citation Denied
Operation Vital Stretch

The unusual CIA operatives from Operation Stove Turnip tasked Endgame Red with a psychological warfare operation: to locate four religious idols from the local tribespeople and use them to complete a ritual at altars scattered through the swamp. This would, they claimed, demonstrate US dominance and bring the local tribes back on-side (they having absconded with the weaponry supplied to win their affections to date). Unfortunately for Endgame Red, not only were the local tribespeople not keen to relinquish their idols, but the North Cheltenamese had sent Chelt Cong forces to secure the idols as well, and the People's Republic of Cambridge had sent a combat group as well, apparently not keen on their North Chelt allies from doing whatever they planned with the idols either. The CIA operatives, who were very slow-spoken, seemed keen for this all to be over, so that they could ask Roosevelt to let them come home, as they were especially curious to see if the war in Europe had been won yet and how the Normandy landings had gone.

WIA Sgt Dropbear
Sgt Tracks awarded Bronze Star Medal
Sgt Dropbear awarded Purple Heart
1Lt Pointer Mentioned in Despatches
Sgt Knievel Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Stove Turnip

Endgame Red are directed to locate and assist a pair of CIA operatives who were tasked with acting as liaisons to a swamp-dwelling Cheltnamese tribe following their re-establishing of contact. The paperwork on the original orders was extremely faded and worn.

SM Torpex awarded Meritorious Service Medal
SM Torpex awarded Gallantry Cross with Palm Leaf
Operation Heart of Redacted

Endgame Red escort a MACV-SOG operative deep into the Somerset Jungles to eliminate an insane AVRN commander who has taken his troops and gone rogue. They must travel deep upriver - and never get out of the boat.

Jul 22

Operation Noon Invasion

Endgame Red were tasked with stepping in to support AVRN positions under fire, then supporting 4077th MASH with medevac from various locations, culminating in a beach dustoff from a river under fire. Us under fire, that is. Not the river.

SM Torpex awarded Silver Star Medal
Sgt Knievel awarded Bronze Star Medal
Sgt Tracks awarded Air Medal
Sgt Tracks awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
SM Torpex awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
Sgt Dropbear Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Blind Honeybee

Assault the last couple of rocks, including the bridge between rocks full of bastards, followed by defence of a village.

CPL Tonk awarded Bronze Star Medal
SM Torpex Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Irritating Slipper

We're going to clear some rocks! What could go wrong!

KIA LCpl Howzat
KIA Pvt Vaz
Pvt Vaz awarded Silver Star Medal
Sgt Tracks Mentioned in Despatches
SM Torpex Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Adored Widow

Convoy mission down to support the base at (insert name here). Multiple enemy rock formations close by, so we went to murder them. Mostly with artillery.

KIA LCpl Jazz
WIA SA Torpex
LCpl Jazz awarded Navy Cross
LCpl Jazz awarded Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Vaz awarded Bronze Star Medal
SA Torpex awarded Purple Heart
Operation Tattered Fan

Back to the 'nam and into the Bra. Endgame Red conduct a river patrol in their new area of operations.

Sgt Knievel awarded Bronze Star Medal
Cpl Morse awarded Bronze Star Medal
Capt Scatter Mentioned in Despatches
LCpl Zaytsev Mentioned in Despatches

Mar 22

Operation Indolent Crepe

Return to ChelteNam 2077

Feb 22

Operation Humdrum Deathwatch

Back in Endgame Red 2077 for a second mission.

Operation Utopian Nightdress

It is the year 2077, shortly before the Shires-American War comes to a no score draw owing to a global nuclear exchange. Non-canon operation in deepest, darkest Falloutistan.

Operation Theveral Lithps

Continued withdrawal of Endgame Red from an enemy AO compromised by nuclear exchange. ER successfully assaulted and neutralised a number of enemy strong points and neutralised C&C elements within the battlespace before effecting an extraction using unfamiliar equipment whilst under sustained assaulted by combined force of armour and infantry.

WIA Sgt Knievel
PFC Gib awarded Silver Star Medal
PO1 Patches awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
WO1 Kent awarded Bronze Star Medal
PO2 Bunker awarded Bronze Star Medal
Sgt Knievel awarded Purple Heart
PFC Gib Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Likely Moneylender

Endgame Red began its withdrawal from a battlespace compromised by multiple nuclear detonations. During this period they neutralised a number of enemy strong points, denied the enemy the use of multiple vehicles and weakened the AAA of the AO through its destruction of several AAA assets and C&C elements.

Operation Yummy Hangout

Defend base from Chelt Assault, reorg at airbase for parachute insertion behind enemy lines, search and destroy enemy submarine.

Pvt Vaz Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Loving Bugle

Attack village, rescue Knievel, steal helicopter, escape. Simples!

KIA PO3 Lupus
WIA GySgt Rock
WIA Sgt Knievel
WIA Cpl Morse
PO1 Patches awarded Bronze Star Medal
GySgt Rock awarded Purple Heart
Sgt Knievel awarded Purple Heart
Cpl Morse awarded Purple Heart
PO3 Bunker Mentioned in Despatches
Ha Si Nhat Marvin Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Zealous Likelihood

Sneaky beaky mission along the Ho Cheese Minh Trail.

Operation Quick Spouse

Continuing the mission to find and secure the cheese supplies and the blue additive. Blue cheese best cheese.

GySgt Rock Mentioned in Despatches
PO3 Frankenstein Mentioned in Despatches
LCpl Ripper Mentioned in Despatches

Jan 22

Operation Obese Upward

Establish LZ Cheeto and defend near the village of Thongqa, then advance and try to find the position of the cheese supplies and their blue cheese additives. Blue cheese best cheese.

PFC Ripper awarded Bronze Star Medal
SA Torpex awarded Bronze Star Medal
Sgt Knievel awarded Meritorious Service Medal
Cpl Morse awarded Air Medal
LCpl Zaytsev awarded Air Medal
PO3 Lupus Mentioned in Despatches
CPL Tonk Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Leroy Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Changeable Dolman

Secure / destroy remaining SA2 launch sites, artillery sites, helicopter launch area and vehicle park. Secure Mouang Nong airfield command centre and obtain two-part radio codebook.

Secondary objectives: secure airfield and eliminate 90% of OPFOR forces. Secure villages Ban Neme, Ko We, Xiom La Ho, and Lan Tam Ve.

WIA WO1 Kent
WIA PFC Ripper
GySgt Rock awarded Bronze Star Medal
PO3 Lupus awarded Bronze Star Medal
WO1 Kent awarded Purple Heart
PFC Ripper awarded Purple Heart
Ha Si Nhat Marvin awarded Military Merit Medal
Operation Pumped Bezier

Retake Mouang Nong Airfield, by clearing out remaining fire control radar(s) and SAM sites. Northern end of airfield and rock of pilots cleared.

WIA Sgt Knievel
PFC Ripper awarded Silver Star Medal
PO3 Frankenstein awarded Bronze Star Medal
LCpl Zaytsev awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Bagpipe awarded Bronze Star Medal
Sgt Knievel awarded Purple Heart
Unit awarded Meritorious Unit Commendation
LCpl Jazz Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Meek Xylophone

Recon operation in the vicinity of Ro Ro, identifying and destroying SAM sites and radar installations.

WIA 1Lt Pointer
1Lt Pointer awarded Bronze Star Medal
SA Torpex awarded Bronze Star Medal
1Lt Pointer awarded Purple Heart
Ha Si Marvin awarded Gallantry Cross with Gold Star
PO3 Frankenstein Mentioned in Despatches
PO3 Lupus Mentioned in Despatches
LCpl Jazz Mentioned in Despatches
SM Bunker Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Tomcat Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Juicy Widget

Assault on the "Hill of Bastards" antiaircraft strongpoint at Grid 026034, Southwest of Lapoung

KIA Pvt Thunder
1Lt Pointer awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Gib awarded Bronze Star Medal
PO1 Patches Mentioned in Despatches
Sgt Knievel Mentioned in Despatches
LCpl Zaytsev Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Excitable Visual

Defence of Hickory Hill and advance to recon the bridge and destroy... a submarine??

Sgt Knievel Mentioned in Despatches
Ha Si Marvin Mentioned in Despatches

Dec 21

Operation Festive Licence

Logistics on behalf of MajGen S. Claus. The children of Hanoi will have a Merry Christmas!

Operation Limp Info

Defence of the road and rail bridges at Sam Song

PO1 Patches awarded Bronze Star Medal
SM Bunker awarded Bronze Star Medal
1Lt Pointer awarded Meritorious Service Medal
LCpl Jazz awarded Meritorious Service Medal
1Lt Scatter awarded Air Medal
WO1 Kent awarded Air Medal
Unit awarded Presidential Unit Citation
Ha Si Marvin awarded Gallantry Cross with Silver Star
SM Bunker Mentioned in Despatches
SA Torpex Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Tested Rep

Assault on Da Krong Training Base, setting up a tribe on Pirate Island

1Lt Pointer awarded Bronze Star Medal
SM Lupus awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Zaytsev Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Frilly Ferry

Air rescue mission for VIPs in which we absolutely did not shoot a village full of UN peacekeepers

KIA PFC Buzzsaw
KIA Pvt Crash
PFC Buzzsaw awarded Bronze Star Medal
LCpl Knievel awarded Meritorious Service Medal
1Lt Pointer awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
Ha Si Marvin awarded Military Service Medal (3rd Class)
WO1 Kent Mentioned in Despatches
PO1 Patches Mentioned in Despatches
PO3 Frankenstein Mentioned in Despatches
LCpl Knievel Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Crash Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Raw Upgrade

Defend the Prison Camp from an escape attempt by Chelt Cong guerillas

SM Lupus Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Buzzsaw Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Half Violence

Evacuate Loyalist Royalist Somerset Forces from Sihanoukville

WIA 1Lt Pointer
1Lt Pointer awarded Purple Heart
1Lt Pointer awarded Gallantry Cross with Gold Star

Nov 21

Operation Intent July

Hold fast along the road to allow friendly forces to retreat

Operation Ivory Coast

Rescuing AF POWs from Son Tay Prison Camp

KIA PFC Squeeze
1Lt Scatter awarded Air Force Achievement Medal
Unit awarded Navy Unit Commendation
Cpl Morse Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Squeeze Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Ceaseless Goodwill

The South ChelteNam Ping Pong Championship

WIA LCpl Knievel
LCpl Knievel awarded Purple Heart
Operation Joint Victorian

Rocket Road Trip pt 3

KIA Cpl Haywire
PFC Zaytsev awarded Purple Heart
PFC Maxim Mentioned in Despatches

Oct 21

Operation Puffy Enthusiast

Rocket Road Trip pt 2

PFC Zaytsev awarded Bronze Star Medal
SM Bunker Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Yearly Version

Rocket Road Trip pt 1

KIA LCpl Flare
WIA PFC Buzzsaw
PFC Tonk awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Tonk awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Buzzsaw awarded Purple Heart
Ha Si Marvin awarded Armed Forces Honor Medal (2nd Class)
Ha Si Marvin Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Wavy Beating

Assault on enemy stronghold at Ko No, Grid 025045

KIA SSgt Spud
SM Bunker awarded Bronze Star Medal
WO1 Kent awarded Air Force Combat Action Medal
Operation Sad Kilo

CSAR mission N of Mouang Nong

LCpl Knievel awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
PFC Zaytsev awarded Navy and Marine Corps Medal
LCpl Flare Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Maxim Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Well-made Numero

Battle of That pt 3

WIA LCpl Knievel
SM Bunker awarded Silver Star Medal
PFC Squeeze awarded Bronze Star Medal
LCpl Knievel awarded Purple Heart
Ha Si Marvin awarded Special Service Medal
Operation Insidious Vastness

Battle of That pt 2

SSgt Spud awarded Silver Star Medal
Ha Si Marvin Mentioned in Despatches
LCpl Flare Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Jagged Immigration

Battle of That pt 1

Operation Squalid Armadillo

Combat Patrol, Khe Sahn Province, Vicinity of Old Fort. In which marines can't count to three.

KIA Digger
WIA LCpl Knievel
WIA SA Lupus
LCpl Knievel awarded Purple Heart
SA Lupus awarded Purple Heart
Sgt Spud awarded Meritorious Service Medal
PO1 Patches awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
2Lt Scatter awarded Air Force Achievement Medal
2Lt Scatter awarded Air Force Combat Action Medal
Cpl Kent awarded Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal
2Lt Scatter Mentioned in Despatches
PO1 Patches Mentioned in Despatches
Sgt Spud Mentioned in Despatches
Cpl Kent Mentioned in Despatches
PO3 Frankenstein Mentioned in Despatches
LCpl Haywire Mentioned in Despatches
LCpl Knievel Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Tonk Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Repulsive Puller

Tunnel Clearance, Vicinity of A Luoi Firebase

KIA Cpl Kiwi
Mne Digger awarded Silver Star Medal
PO3 Frankenstein awarded Bronze Star Medal
Ha Si Marvin awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
Cpl Kiwi Mentioned in Despatches

Sep 21

Operation Used Plus

FAC You! Non-canon opportunity for us all to fly and FAC.

Operation Curvy Kibbutz

Combat Patrol, Vicinity of A Luoi Firebase

Cpl Kent awarded Silver Star Medal
LCpl Haywire awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
SA Lupus awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
Operation Next Cable

Support Somerset Troops & Defend Airfield

Sgt Spud awarded Gallantry Cross with Palm Leaf
Pvt Squeeze Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Black X-ray

Defend Da Krong Crossroads

Pvt Gib awarded Bronze Star Medal
Operation Revolving Runway

Defend Firebase MacGregor, Attapau

2Lt Scatter awarded Air Force Cross
Cpl Kiwi awarded Silver Star Medal
PO3 Frankenstein awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Flare awarded Bronze Star Medal
Mne Digger awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Zaytsev awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Snake awarded Purple Heart

Aug 21

Operation Peaceful Universe

Dodgy Eric, pt 2. Destroy Anti-Air Sites, NE of Sang Ha.

PFC Flare awarded Silver Star Medal
Cpl Kent awarded Bronze Star Medal
Cpl Kent awarded Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal
Unit awarded Meritorious Unit Commendation
LCpl Hollowpoint Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Jagged Communion

Off-Book Operation, Attapeu. Dodgy Eric, pt 1. The Bank Job.

Cpl Kent awarded Gallantry Cross with Gold Star
Operation Yearly Behest

Secure Area & Deploy Firebase, Com Ngon, North Cheltenam

KIA SSgt Fury
LCpl Haywire awarded Silver Star Medal
2Lt Scatter awarded Air Medal
PFC Snake awarded Air Medal
LCpl Morse Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Vivid Toxin

Destroy Radar Array, Ke Chau

PO3 Frankenstein awarded Navy Cross
LCpl Morse awarded Navy Cross
2Lt Scatter awarded Air Force Cross
Cpl Kiwi awarded Silver Star Medal
LCpl Hollowpoint awarded Bronze Star Medal
Operation Nebulous Vibration

HVT Capture Operation, Phok Ham, North Cheltenam

KIA SM Butcher
KIA PFC Rattle
Sgt Spud awarded Silver Star Medal
SM Butcher awarded Silver Star Medal
LCpl Kent awarded Bronze Star Medal
2Lt Scatter Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Adorable Playhouse

Combat Patrol, Soc Tran and Quan Bo, Severn Delta

Operation Trim Dragonfly

Assault on Ling Ho Base, North Cheltenam

WIA 2Lt Scatter
2Lt Scatter awarded Purple Heart
Unit awarded Navy Unit Commendation
SSgt Fury Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Furry Yak

Off the books mission to raid a Chelt Cong camp

Jul 21

Operation Little Zen

Combat Patrol, Vicinity of CP Zeppelin, Severn Delta

KIA Cpl Bandit
PFC Haywire Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Kosher Xbox

The men who shoot at goats.

Operation Gamy Transferability

Combat Patrol, Vicinity of OP Gondola, Severn Delta

Cpl Bandit awarded Bronze Star Medal
Operation Heavenly Lift

Second Battle of Hue (Part 3)

SSgt Fury awarded Bronze Star Medal
Mne Digger awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Tonk Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Grubby Nerd

Second Battle of Hue (Part 2)

KIA PO3 Girder
KIA LCpl Broadside
Operation Kindly Yak

Second Battle of Hue (Part 1)

Operation Xanthic Vintner

Supply Interdiction, Vicinity of Cay Mo & Do Cong

KIA PO3 Girder
WIA Cpl Shrap
Cpl Shrap awarded Purple Heart

Jun 21

Operation Black-and-white Indicator

The Hue Massacre - Battle of Hue Citadel

KIA PO3 Girder
Cpl Kiwi awarded Silver Star Medal
PO2 Patches awarded Bronze Star Medal
Cpl Spud awarded Bronze Star Medal
2Lt Scatter awarded Air Medal
PO2 Patches awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation
PO3 Girder Mentioned in Despatches
SM Frankenstein Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Voracious Amusement

Tetbury Offensive. First Battle of Hue.

KIA GySgt Wardaddy
GySgt Wardaddy awarded Bronze Star Medal
2Lt Scatter awarded Air Medal
Operation Oily Depot

Assault S of Bao Ve

PFC Flare awarded Congressional Medal of Honor
Operation Befitting Quadtree

Battle of Bao Ve

KIA PFC Claymore
WIA LCpl Broadside
LCpl Broadside awarded Purple Heart
Unit awarded Navy Unit Commendation
Operation Tough Hedging

Route Clearance, Vicinity of FSB Quan Loi

Operation Indolent Oncology

Quick Reaction Force, Vicinity of Tong Wei. Unplanned assault on the village.

WIA Sgt Fury
WIA Cpl Kiwi
WIA SM Frankenstein
Sgt Fury awarded Purple Heart
Cpl Kiwi awarded Purple Heart
SM Frankenstein awarded Purple Heart
PFC Tonk awarded Purple Heart
Unit awarded Meritorious Unit Commendation
Operation Deserted Zeitgeist

Combat Patrol, Vicinity of Bru. Setting an ambush.

LCpl Shrap awarded Bronze Star Medal

May 21

Operation Zigzag Falling

A Shau Valley Patrol, Hung Lo to Fa King

PFC Blitz awarded Bronze Star Medal
Cpl Bandit Mentioned in Despatches
Pvt Maxim Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Quiet Update

Rescue & Tech Denial Operation, Shropshire

KIA 2Lt Shades
KIA Sgt Phones
KIA LCpl Snowman
WIA Cpl Kiwi
WIA PFC Claymore
Sgt Phones awarded Silver Star Medal
LCpl Snowman awarded Silver Star Medal
Cpl Kiwi awarded Purple Heart
PFC Claymore awarded Purple Heart
Operation Known Chalice

Garrison Operation, Hue

PFC Broadside awarded Silver Star Medal
PFC Claymore Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Queasy Echo

Combat Patrol & Tunnel Clear, Vicinity of Trie La

Cpl Kiwi awarded Bronze Star Medal
LCpl Spud awarded Bronze Star Medal
Operation Therapeutic Kimberwick

Combat Patrol, Vicinity of Maxwell Field. Followed by defence of the Saigon embassy from armed student revolutionaries.

Operation Zesty Kinsman

Wings over ChelteNam - non-canon operation in which our players fly fixed wing and rotary for the day.

Operation Tired Octagon

Off-Book Operation, Da Krong

KIA Sgt Sonic
Operation Slimy Compost

River Patrol, LZ Savage - Camp Sarge - Three Canyons


Apr 21

Operation Zany Hockey

CSAR, Crashed F100, W of Da Krong Valley. The one with the Predator.

Operation Reflective Lock

Road Clearance Patrol, LZ Savage to Camp Sarge

Operation Xanthic Unemployment

Garrison the Retrans Station Vandergriff

KIA Pvt Zip
WIA Cpl Kiwi
Cpl Kiwi awarded Purple Heart
Operation Dangerous Xylophone

Boatyard Assault, Western Bank of the Tonle

KIA PO2 Seaby
WIA LCpl Spud
WIA PFC Rattle
PO2 Seaby awarded Silver Star Medal
LCpl Spud awarded Purple Heart
SM Mash awarded Purple Heart
PFC Rattle awarded Purple Heart
Sgt Sonic Mentioned in Despatches
PO3 Crater Mentioned in Despatches
PFC Kent Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Teeny-tiny Ghetto

Bridging Operation, Cheah Chab Trei

KIA PO3 Crater
KIA SM Holliday
WIA Cpl Phones
WIA LCpl Telex
WIA PFC Claymore
Cpl Phones awarded Purple Heart
LCpl Telex awarded Purple Heart
PFC Tonk awarded Purple Heart
PFC Claymore awarded Purple Heart
Unit awarded Meritorious Unit Commendation
Operation Satisfied X-ray

SAM Site Assault, Hill 220

KIA LCpl York
KIA PFC Machine
WIA PFC Claymore
PFC Claymore awarded Purple Heart
Operation Thrifty Memorial

Bridge supply convoy

Mar 21

Operation Frank Vixen

Rescue Operation, Approx 1km N of Chamkar Yeak

WIA PFC Machine
PO3 Patches awarded Navy Cross
PFC Claymore awarded Silver Star Medal
PFC Spud awarded Bronze Star Medal
SSgt Wardaddy awarded Purple Heart
PFC Machine awarded Purple Heart
SSgt Wardaddy awarded Meritorious Service Medal
Unit awarded Navy Unit Commendation
Operation Combative Bachelor

Combat Patrol, Vicinity of Camp 43. The Great Escape.

Operation Dutiful Kite

Combat Patrol, Vicinity of Cheah Chab Trei

1st Platoon Bravo Company moves out from Patrol Base Giant on... patrol. The CC are out there in the woods, and we have to go encourage them to leave. Ain't no surprisingly well preserved regency architecture on this side of the river, Chelt. Get yourself outta here.

SSgt Wardaddy awarded Gallantry Cross with Bronze Star
Operation Dimwitted Overage

2nd Battle of Men Cheah

1st Platoon launch a jungle patrol to intercept Chelt Cong infiltration groups moving out from Men Cheah, where regular forces of the Proletarian Avon Valley Nationalist army (1st Bat. ChelteNam Heavy Assault Veterans (CHAV)) were digging in at the captured US Logistics Station Oriole on the eastern bank of the Tonle, although with the pontoon bridge destroyed, movement across the river is limited to sampan-transported light vehicles and infantry.

SM Holliday awarded Bronze Star Medal
PFC Claymore Mentioned in Despatches
Operation Nondescript Fleeing

1st Battle of Men Cheah

OPFOR assault across the Tonle river stalled through determined defence at OP Pyle by 1st Platoon until nightfall. OPFOR pontoon bridge destroyed by combat engineers swimming across the Tonle to place charges under covering fire from their squad.

PO3 Seaby awarded Bronze Star Medal